“We will never change the world by going to church. We will only change the world by being the church.”
— Church of the Messiah in Myrtle Beach


Liturgical Ministries

Acolytes: A group of pre-teens and adults that serve at the altar assisting the priests or by participating in the processional traditions of our liturgy. They serve at all parish services and on special occasions, i.e. Baptisms, Confirmation, Weddings, and Funerals. Acolytes and crucifers are fully trained and have the option of choosing which services they attend. Contact Grace Johnson for more information.

Altar Guild: This ministry prepares the altar and clergy vestments, candles, communion wafers, linen and brass maintenance, changing the hymnal board each week cleaning and adorning the sanctuary for different seasons and special feast days of the church year, and assisting the florist with flower arrangements. Contact Kathy Roemisch for more information.

Children’s Chapel Leaders: Children’s chapel midway through the 10:30 service provides an opportunity during the time of the sermon for our children to experience worship designed especially for them. They have a special prayer, listen and discuss a gospel story or reading that coincides with the Lectionary gospel reading, and do a craft or another activity. We need adult and teen leaders to assist the children in their worship before they return for Communion with their families. Contact Sharon Fullington for more information.

Home Eucharistic Visitors: These are lay ministers who carry communion to parishioners who, for health or other reasons, are confined to home, hospitals or nursing facilities. In addition to sharing a short service with them, the HEV provides valuable companionship and visitation to the homebound.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers: These ministers assist the priest at the altar and help administer Communion. We conduct regular training for this office, six of whom serve each week at services.

Lectors: Lectors read the lessons at all regularly scheduled services and special services, including Ash Wednesday, Lenten Stations of the Cross, Holy Week, Lessons and Carols and funerals. They also lead parishioners in the Prayers of the People. Contact Zoe Holmes for more information on Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors.

Ushers: These individuals assist at all church services, greeting and distributing service leaflets, count attendees, assist with the offering and direct parishioners to the altar during communion and straighten up the pews after the service. Contact Terry Tunks for more information.